I talk a lot about the concept of ako (on #edchatnz is one example) and how it is essential in education that authentic learning should be between students and teachers and that the transmission of knowledge and skills has to be a two way street. I think that I do this in my classes to some extent. However, even though I listen to students' ideas and take note, change or add to my "world view," use their ideas to teach the concepts to other students or get them to teach other students these concepts, I wanted to challenge myself further - I really wanted to give my students agency well as much as possible within NCEA.
Health education gives students quite a lot of scope and their teachers as well. I was challenged through reading a tweet about students teaching teachers and I thought to myself I have the perfect opportunity to do this - AS 91236 Take action to enhance an aspect of people’s well-being within the school or wider community (level 2, 5 credits). It was important for me to do this within my "normal" teaching as I have a lot of senior classes and want to try and make NCEA more viable for interesting, exciting and real learning. I believe strongly that we should fight the good fight within the system and that although students have to do NCEA we have to make it all about the learning.
Anyway, in this AS students have to do something to make peoples' well being improve. As a PB4L school (first proper year) I felt that one way to reach all students and all staff was to create lesson plans for the form times linked to our key words of respect, resilience and motivation. It was the students choice on what topic they wanted to do. However, through ako (them teaching me what is important for them) and the strong mindedness of some of my students (which I love although it makes my life harder!!) they had their own ideas!
The first group were adamant that they wanted to try and change the uniform so they didn't exactly teach the teachers but met with the BOT to discuss their ideas and the views of the students they had asked in their questionnaires.
The second person wanted to re-vamp our bullying form and that was great as so did I - so she did it in relation to the Ministry's new guidelines. She came and taught our pastoral team how to use the new form and we fed back ideas to her.
Pastoral team |
The second group did want to create lesson plans which was great but they wanted to do sexual identity and treating people who are different to us respectfully, which I think was also great but we are a very traditional style school and these PB4L lessons are delivered by the form teachers. Before teaching the teachers the students wrote the lesson plan, created pre and post questionnaire and resources. As it was such a sensisitve subject The students also talked to the Guidance Counselor. They did great - explaining the lessons, talking about why it was important to do, answering questions etc. I did have to after the session field a few comments from teachers especially about the video as it was graphic but it went well and so did the lessons. It made students and teachers think - the most important thing
Sexual identity lesson plans |
The third group (well one girl) also wanted to complete lesson plans but was keen to look at drink driving and talking about how to resist getting into a car with a drunk driver. This links to resilience. She went through her lesson plan, discussed what she wanted them to do and why she chose that path and answered questions.
Resisting getting into a car with someone who has been drinking alcohol |
1. I have learnt (well reinforced the idea) that although giving your students opportunities to lead and choose their own pathways is great, rewarding and how it should be, it is also hard work. It was a stressful week for me - especially as a tough topic. However, one of the most important topics there is
2. It is brilliant for students to come into the staffroom or meetings and be the expert - it is all about their peers so they should have a greater understanding then we do
STUDENT VOICE - a sample of students
1. What did you feel about
talking to the teachers/BOT?
scary but once i got to know the board they are great people to talk and share
ideas with.
KATIE It felt
like we had control of the problem we were discussing and we felt like that
teachers were finally listening to what us students what to say.BRIE It was okay but our turnout wasn't that great
ELISE I felt pretty comfortable with talking to the BOT in our meeting and the teachers who’s classes we were surveying were very helpful in allowing us to take time out of their work schedule to do so
CORTNEY they were good
2. Do you think they listened to
you and followed your ideas?
ROBERT Yes they did greatly and explain why they cant do our ideas and explained why and give as a new idea to work on.
KATIE They listened to us and gave us ideas about what we were doing.
ELISE The BOT listened to our presentation and ideas and they were very helpful in understanding where we were coming from, offering us compromises when they could not give us what we wanted. The only I had with speaking to them was that they continuously interrupted us when we were doing our presentation even though at the start we asked them to save all questions until we had finished our presentation.
ELISE The BOT listened to our presentation and ideas and they were very helpful in understanding where we were coming from, offering us compromises when they could not give us what we wanted. The only I had with speaking to them was that they continuously interrupted us when we were doing our presentation even though at the start we asked them to save all questions until we had finished our presentation.
3. What advice would you
give other students doing this?
ROBERT Prepare well and be confident towards the people you discus with. Work as a team and have a back up plan.
KATIE Don't be afraid to speak your mind and tell everyone what you think about what you are doing your topic on. And tell them how you actually feel.
ELISE Choose people to work with who you know will get work done and not muck around leaving you to do it all because it would make your meeting with the BOT much easier for all of you and it would be easier for you all to pass your internals.
CORTNEY be confident, its not that scary
BRIE pick a subject that is more likely to happen
ELISE Choose people to work with who you know will get work done and not muck around leaving you to do it all because it would make your meeting with the BOT much easier for all of you and it would be easier for you all to pass your internals.
CORTNEY be confident, its not that scary
BRIE pick a subject that is more likely to happen
4. Did you learn anything from
this activity?
ROBERT to be confident towards your group you speaking to and have a back up plan increase it doesn't work. be realistic.
KATIE To not be scared about talking to different people about your problems and to speak up for what you want people to know and think about.
BRIE take more responsibility in doing m wok
ELISE I learnt that you can actually make a significant change within a school if you are a student with a school project.CORTNEY - no
5. Anything to add?
ROBERT nope :)KATIE Understand what other people are saying and to get there point on the topic listen to what ours options are.
· Plus – great for them and us
· Minus – none
· Interesting – fosters communication, models the idea that we are all learners, encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning
Seemed to be a little awkward ---for both!?
Need to get/canvas the students' perspective?
Maybe a more "neutral" area should be
Good but it scares the crap out of the students!
I really enjoyed the students coming into the
staff room teaching us. It would have taken them so much courage and confidence
to get up and do that! I couldn't even imagine doing that at my school when I
was a student! I think it made it more relevant because they had put it all
together themselves.
Overall- awesome!!!
Overall- awesome!!!